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11/24/09 I just added 2 new pages to the 2009 Gallery! Check them out, starting on page 11. About orders/completion time: I tentatively plan to take the entire month of January to stock up for February, which is when I'll be making boro beads. I will return to soda lime in March. There will be plenty of Superstars in February, possibly a sale in January if things go well. December has me incredibly busy. I'm so not complaining, since around this time last year, my order queue was empty. If you think you might be interested in boro singles once the binge is over, let me know. The sets I end up with will be available on Etsy. Thanks for checking in! 10/11/09 Still a'blogging. Now I'm on Etsy. This is where I'll put my weekly specials, penciled in to replace ebay. We'll see how it goes. You can click that big fuschia button up there to get to it. I updated my Gallery and added 3 pages - starting on Page 8! Now would be a great time to place an order, November is wide open! Superstars... I'm thinking this Thursday, October 15th. I'll keep you posted. All these changes are wearing me out. I now have a blog AND an Etsy store. Two things I've been pondering for what feels like decades, and suddenly, I have them both. It's my own damn fault. If I didn't actually have to make beads, go to the store, eat, sleep, and pretend to be merry, it would be a piece of cake to keep up with. I'll get used to it - I'm a well adjusted individual. 9/22/09 Sheesh, where have I been? Mainly pondering the meaning of Tuesdays Without Ebay. It's been tough, because I take my commitments very seriously, once I muster up the courage to commit. Now that I've pretty much officially broken up with ebay, (but am at that stage of grief wherein I'm considering the occasional tryst, hoping one may yield to permanent reunion), what shall I do? DUN, dun, DUUUNNNHHH!!! ... I have a blog. Bleh-g. Go ahead, read it. You might be glad you did. But I'm not making any promises. Believe it or not, I've fantasized about having a blog for a couple of years now. (I mean a REAL blog, not this clunky old HTML News page.) My drop in the ocean mentality always won that particular battle in the grey matter, so there was to be no blog. I may or may not replace this page with the blog, but I have definitely replaced the Ebay Auctions button with a NEW! (gasp) Blog button on the main index page of my site, in case you hadn't noticed. Blog, blog, blog. I know that was pretty bold of me, considering how new I am to the blog scene, and how slim the chances are that I will be able to stomach it. Time will tell. Meanwhile, I'll be working on adding new stuff to the 2009 Gallery... really. And there will hopefully be Superstars next Thursday, October 1. I'll keep you posted... 9/12/09 Sorry for such a LATE update - I've been a little distracted this week. Nothing bad, just exceptionally busy. Well, another week goes by without an ebay auction on my page. I'm pretty fed up with ebay. I know I've said that before, but I'm more fed up than I was the last time I mentioned it. I used to LOVE selling on ebay. But lately, they keep introducing new changes (like rules and ways to navigate it) before the last bunch of changes even have a chance to sink in. They have complicated it to the point that it feels like a massive wad of tangled thread that I just don't have the energy to keep untangling. It's actually frozen my computer a few times when I logged into My Ebay, and while looking around. Furthermore, I wasn't happy with my ending prices for the last few auctions. I would think it was something I was doing wrong, if it wasn't for how well the Superstars sales continue to go. So, how do I keep my name out there, then? If ebay can't work for me any more, and since it's been my main source of advertising all these years, what else can I do? I refuse to count on other people to talk about me on their blogs or whatever, that feels like a lazy and selfish way to be. I've mentioned the Etsy thing before, but I don't yet feel comfortable enough with the interface to take the plunge. But I may soon, who knows... As you can probably tell, I've been struggling for a while now with the inevitable change in how I market myself. And in the greater scheme of the universe, does this really matter? Bleh. Oh well, for now, this means there will be more to love on Superstars nights. New additions to the 2009 Gallery are in the works! I'll keep you posted... 9/1/09 No ebay this week, either. I'm saving it all for SUPERSTARS this Thursday! If you're on my mailing list, you already know... See you then! 8/25/09 As you can see, there is nothing on ebay this week. A power line in my yard had to be repaired, so I was without electricity at the optimum time of day for photos and photo editing. I also had other errands to run... So I guess ebay wasn't in the cards this week. (Any connection between my reality and anyone else's is purely coincidental. Some people may get what I mean by that, others won't, but that's all I'm gonna say.) The good news is, there will be Superstars next Thursday, September 3. If you are on the mailing list and aren't getting your notifications, please check your spam filter and do whatever you have to do to make sure they land in the correct spot. And, in case I haven't said it enough - thanks for being such wonderful bead people! |